When consumers arrive at your store to collect their purchase we request that you fulfill the order with the verification code. It is a good idea to train staff to collect this code as once logged in we have indicators letting you know what the consumers shipping & billing address, credit card purchased with the last 4 digits for verifying against a Government issued ID and a fraud score rating on the transaction. These can all be useful indicators to ensure the transaction is legitimate and prevent fraud or chargebacks.
Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders
- From your dashboard click on the order indicating 'Not Picked Up' status.
- On the order screen you will see all details mentioned including billing, shipping, credit card details etc.
- Towards the bottom of the page click the green button Enter Verification Code
- A screen will pop-up and enter the six digit verification code the consumer was sent
- Optional: With consumers permission you can upload their signature or a Photo ID
- Click Submit
The order will be removed from your dashboard but be fully available on the Orders tab as it is deemed closed out.
Note: If you forget to enter the verification code and a regular program dealer with your vendor don't worry you have already been paid. The order will simply just clog up and move lower down on your dashboard. If you would like to cleanup your dashboard request the codes from your sales rep or vendor.
Consumer Forgets Verification Code
No problem, this happens. The consumer is communicated to 4 times about the verification code before landing at your store but understand they are excited about their purchase and may miss the finer details. You can resend the code to them:
- From your dashboard click on the order indicating 'Not Picked Up' status.
- Towards the bottom of the page click the red button Order Ready for Pickup / Resend Verification Code
- Within 1 minute the consumer will receive a new code sent to their email
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