In ShipEarly we do not provide email addresses of consumers to retailers as we cannot obtain the consumers permission. In the past we had and it resulted in consumers being added to email lists without permission and being spammed. You can however send the consumer customized emails through your ShipEarly account. All staff members have access to message the consumer.
If you wish, you can begin building a profile of the consumer with details available within the order. When the consumer comes to collect their order from your store you can ask for their permission to be added to your email list.
Please Note: Consumers do receive notifications when their order is shipped and when it arrives at your store. You can also inform the consumer the order is ready for pickup by clicking the 'Resend Verification Code / Order Ready for Pickup/Delivery' button to automatically send the consumer a note.
Send Custom Message to Consumer
In the cases we don't have you covered with the automated email communications you can send a custom notification. Follow these steps:
- Login to ShipEarly
- Click on the Order (either on your dashboard or orders tab)
- Click the Message Customer button below the consumers details
- Type in your custom subject line and email body
- Click Submit
Note: in the bottom of the order, we store the communication for future reference or if required for store staff to be able to see the communication for improved customer service. An email icon will also be available on the dashboard and orders tab to indicate an email has been sent to the consumer without having to open the order.
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