If you accept credit cards on your site or store, you'll most likely have to handle chargebacks or inquiries. When a customer has an issue with a credit card charge, they can dispute it with their bank. The bank will initiate a dispute with either an inquiry or a chargeback. Learn what these terms mean, how they differ, and how banks and other payment systems initiate disputes.
Chargeback and Inquiry Lifecycle
Disputes work differently across card and payment networks, but typically follow similar patterns. The dispute process involves multiple parties and many steps. This video walks you through each process and how and when you should submit evidence.
Customer Communication
Many inquiries and chargebacks are the result of the cardholder not recognizing the transaction or recognizing your business. This video outlines customer communication best practices and refund policy best practices.
Early Fraud Warnings
Early fraud warnings are notices generated to flag payments that are suspected to be fraudulent. An early fraud warning is created when a cardholder lodges a claim of fraud with their issuing bank and occurs before an official chargeback. This video shows you how to review early fraud warning in the Stripe Dashboard and respond effectively.
Disputes in the Stripe Dashboard
Learn how to locate and respond to disputes in the Stripe Dashboard.
Dispute Best Practices
When a customer opens a dispute with their bank (the issuing bank), the bank will notify Stripe and Stripe will notify you. As the merchant, you must prove certain evidence. This video gives you best practices for evidence submission.
For more information, visit Stripe.
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